A New Wave in Fundraising through Direct Messaging

Nick Black
September 6, 2024

Nonprofits represent the best of us. The people who run them give tirelessly, often sacrificing lucrative corporate careers to focus on missions that matter deeply to them—whether it's curing cancer, ending hunger, or fighting for human rights. But despite their dedication, nonprofits can’t run on passion alone. They need revenue to keep their operations alive. Fundraising is essential, and nonprofits use everything from traditional direct mail to large in-person events to make it happen.

If you’ve been in the nonprofit space for a while, you’ve seen how much fundraising has evolved. At first, it was all about direct mail—sending checks via postal service. Then, the internet revolutionized giving with online donation pages and email blasts. However, the real game-changer? Direct messaging.

The New Paradigm: Social and Direct Messaging Giving

Fundraising methods that worked in the 1990s no longer resonate with today’s donors. Younger generations want to give, but they want to do it on their terms—in the places where they spend their time, like social media and direct messaging applications like Facebook Messenger. And while many nonprofits are hesitant to embrace these newer, more interactive methods, direct messaging is proving to be the next wave in fundraising.

Think about it: How often do you communicate via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram DMs? For most people, these platforms have become the backbone of their day-to-day communications. Yet, how many people have been asked to donate through these channels? Almost none. This is where GoodUnited comes in, bridging the gap between nonprofits and their supporters in the most personal, engaging way possible—through direct messaging.

The Social Shift: What Happens When You Meet Donors Where They Are

The beauty of direct messaging is that it’s where your donors are already spending their time. You don’t need to pull them away from their favorite platforms or force them through complex donation processes. Direct messaging offers a seamless, one-on-one connection, making it easier than ever for donors to engage with your cause. And that’s not just our opinion—it’s proven through success stories like Project Purple.

Case Study: Project Purple's Direct Messaging Success

When the pandemic hit, in-person events became too risky. Project Purple, an organization fighting pancreatic cancer, faced a tough challenge. They had to pivot fast, and traditional channels like email weren’t cutting it anymore. That’s when they partnered with GoodUnited to dive into direct messaging.

We helped them run a Facebook Challenge, fully integrated within the Facebook ecosystem—from ads to groups to Messenger updates. This allowed them to build stronger connections with their community, keep the conversation going long after the event, and most importantly, raise over $120,000 in just two Facebook Challenges.

What made the difference? Direct messaging gave Project Purple a way to engage with supporters in real-time, build a sense of community, and continue nurturing those relationships long after the initial donation. It wasn’t just about raising money—it was about growing a movement.

Direct Messaging: The Future of Fundraising

Direct messaging represents a new, frictionless experience for donors. Unlike traditional methods, where donors are often pulled from one platform to another (and might drop off in the process), direct messaging keeps everything in one place. From asking for donations to saying thank you, it all happens right where the donor is most comfortable.

Why Nonprofits Need to Embrace Direct Messaging Now

Some nonprofits still hesitate to adopt this approach. They worry that it’s a fad or too risky. But the truth is, as more people spend their time in direct messaging apps, this will quickly become a core communicaiton channel to drive giving.It’s simple, effective, and personal. With direct messaging, nonprofits can build relationships that last, and with the power of real-time communication, they can fundraise more effectively than ever before.

Direct messaging is the future—and at GoodUnited, we’re here to help you make the most of it.