Have you noticed a dip in the number of Facebook fundraisers started on your behalf by your social media community? Don't panic - it's a trend. September and October are high-activity months for Facebook fundraisers, with a little bump in November thanks to Giving Tuesday. After Giving Tuesday, we can see a dramatic drop in new campaigns being created.
We analyzed Facebook fundraising activity for two major nonprofits to see how activity compares to last year:
Nonprofit #1

Nonprofit #2

The great news is the massive increase in Facebook fundraising activity since 2017.
Then, in October, November and December the gap starts to close rapidly. Don't take that as bad news though. The drop could be due to donation fatigue from the high points in September, or from Giving Tuesday in early November. It could also be that the end of the year is a busy time for many and their focus is elsewhere.
Whatever drives the dip in end-of-year campaigns on Facebook, don't despair - it's normal.