Converting Mission Awareness to Fundraising Revenue

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Colorectal Cancer Alliance wanted to test the waters of Challenges on Facebook in support of its Dress in Blue Day event to drive revenue through its existing Facebook community. The Outcome? $3,705, all with $0 ad spend.
This year, we asked GoodUnited to help us engage our community and rally around a singular cause - the engagement and revenue from the effort leaped over our expectations and more than doubled the amount of fundraisers year-over-year.
Chelsea Edwards
Sr. Director of Peer 2 peer giving

Converting Mission Awareness to Fundraising Dollars

Colorectal Cancer Alliance previously used Facebook to promote brand awareness for National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, only sporadically doing Facebook fundraising where it made sense to their team.

Chelsea knew that there was an existing social community on Facebook that had proven to be incredibly sticky in the past and could easily be engaged.

Ultimately, Colorectal Cancer Alliance was looking for 3 things:

Gain an understanding of the potential impact that Facebook Messenger and Challenges on Facebook could have in support of key mission events
Engage with past supporters of Colorectal Cancer Alliance
Use the Facebook Challenge for Dress in Blue Day to drive internal awareness of the value of Facebook for fundraising
Being able to use GoodUnited to deploy a messaging campaign that resulted in direct, attributable revenue was a huge win for our team.
Chelsea Edwards
Sr. Director of Peer 2 peer giving

Facebook Messenger and seasonal giving on Facebook

Knowing that their existing Facebook community was packed with passionate supporters, Chelsea and the Colorectal Cancer Alliance team wanted to use Facebook Messenger (and a CCA prize package drawing) to drive engagement toward a tentpole moment.

With the help of GoodUnited’s conversational messaging platform, Chelsea’s team was able to identify a distinct segment of its existing Facebook community (CCA subscribers) and create a plan to activate them through Facebook Messenger and ultimately create individual fundraisers in support of their Dress in Blue Day Challenge.

We know our Facebook community is incredibly loyal and supportive of our mission… It was just a case of figuring out how to engage with them without impacting our internal resources too much.
Chelsea Edwards
Sr. Director of Peer 2 peer giving

With the Campaign set to run for the entirety of March, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance saw immediate impact of the GoodUnited supporter messaging journey that was deployed.

With 440 people entering the messaging journey, Chelsea and her team saw consistent results throughout the entire month of March, ultimately leading to a total of $3,705 being raised across 37 fundraisers.

Even better, the entire effort was done with minimal impact on a resource-limited CCA team. This proved the power (and value) of a Facebook subscriber wasn’t just some hypothetical unicorn but rather something that Chelsea and her team could engage with and activate on an ongoing basis with minimal impact on internal resources.

About Colorectal Cancer Alliance

The Colorectal Cancer Alliance is a national nonprofit committed to ending colorectal cancer. Working with our nation of passionate allies, we diligently support the needs of patients and families, caregivers, and survivors; eagerly raise awareness of preventive screening; and continually strive to fund critical research. As allies in the struggle, we are fiercely determined to end colorectal cancer within our lifetime. For more information, visit