Facebook Fundraising Bootcamp - The Basics

Facebook Fundraising Bootcamp
March 6, 2025
About the Episode

It's time to remove the uncertainty around Facebook Fundraising Tools.

We're taking 1 hour to cover the must-know basics around Facebook fundraising and the tools that Meta/Facebook provides nonprofits out of the box.

Bootcamp Topics

  • Facebook Giving Tools 101
  • Facebook Nonprofit Manager 101
  • Facebook Messenger 101
  • Facebook Challenges 101
  • Facebook Challenge/Messenger Benchmarks
  • Q&A
Show Description

Stop Solider Suicide's 240x engagement has a great story behind the how and why this outcome was such a huge W for the promotion of their Black Box Project.

We're sharing the sauce that helped SSS drive 240x organic engagement on Facebook while sidestepping $14,000 in Facebook ad spend.

Here's the key outcomes that Stop Soldier Suicide drove:

  • 35,507 subscribers messaged
  • 89% Messenger Open Rate
  • 30% Facebook Messenger CTR
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